A personal loan is an amount of money you can borrow to use for a variety of purposes. For instance, you may use a personal loan to consolidate debt, pay for home renovations, or plan a dream wedding. Personal loans can be offered by banks, credit unions, or online lenders. The money you borrow must be repaid over time, typically with interest. Some lenders may also charge fees for personal loans.
These loans are different from other installment loans—such as student loans, car loans, and mortgage loans—that are used to fund specific expenses
14, Bentinck Street, 3rd Floor
Gujarat Mansion Kolkata-700001
Branch Office
Shop No. 69, Ground Floor, Millennium
Textile Market-4, Near Sidhhi Vinayak Mandir,
Bhatena, Surat-395002
+91 9830177150
+91 7044341207